Development continues!
April 11, 2018
Hey, what's up? My name is Henrik Chukhran aka "Neuton Mouse" and this is my blog. I'm planning to post here about game development, music production, sound design, gaming in general and other related stuff. Most of these posts will deal with my own projects but sometimes there will be exceptions. Feel free to subscribe to my newsletter or follow me on one of the social network pages placed below here.
April 11, 2018
Today's a big day. It has been 14 days since I've launched Smintheus Beta on and today it reached nearly 750 downloads!!! I think it's a good sign, although I wish I could read more comments with criticism or some kind of feedback. I'll just assume the game is super awesome and there is nothing to rant about :D
Nevertheless, I'm fully motivated and ready to dive into my last game development crunch.
Before I do that, I'd like to present a new fresh patch. I think it will be the last one here because the game is quite stable now, but who knows...
Anyway, here a couple of changes:
So, what about that "crunch" i mentioned above? That's ultimate workaholic's approach of finishing the game. I'll be working on game every single day and post about it on Twitter and other social network pages. Additionally, i'll write devlog posts here, on Tumblr and soon on my freshly updated website. PR will be also included into crunch, i've been too passive about it and it's bad for game's future. Not anymore!
So, what's left to do to make Smintheus fully completed game? Answer is rather simple - I gotta complete other level, draw big world maps for them and finish game soundtrack. Nearly two years ago I promised to deliver 42 levels on steam greenlight campaign and I'm going to keep that promise. I have 24 levels done from which the first 8 are extremely polished. The rest needs heavy restoration and complete tile redraw. These 42 levels are planned to be included in 6 worlds: Violet (Deviated Valley), Underground, Sewers, Swamp, Floating Islands and Mushroom worlds.
Each of these worlds exploit specific gameplay elements. That's a lot of drawing and level designing but the most time consuming task will be the production of soundtrack. My crazy idea of having unique music on each level is not going to be canceled. Game is going to be musical and that will be one of the selling points :)
Also, game will introduce experience points and perk feature. Additionally, few more items will be revealed eventually (like gadget gloves which will allow player to instantly place gadgets). New enemies will make passing level somewhat tricky and Lanky the cat will get stronger and craftier.
There will be some changes in plans. In order to finish Smintheus this year I have to make levels shorter but harder. It's mainly a game design decision as well as musical - less walking and more interaction... and why musical? Because I don't have to write 5-8 minute soundtracks anymore. Each additional minute doubles the difficulty and time consumption for me, so the tracks will be 3 to 4 minutes in average now.
Apart from that I have to update my website. I'm already writing devlog. Quite enjoying this to be honest. Next there is trailer that needs to be done. Finally, I have to deal with the indie gamedev enemy #1 seriously - The Marketing! Oh, that boring and surprisingly time killing activity. Oh well... I believe everything will be super great!
Have fun folks!
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Quite a long gap since the last devlog entry, isn’t it? Well, this time I got the big news: after 6 long years,...
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