
Hey, what's up? My name is Henrik Chukhran aka "Neuton Mouse" and this is my blog. I'm planning to post here about game development, music production, sound design, gaming in general and other related stuff. Most of these posts will deal with my own projects but sometimes there will be exceptions. Feel free to subscribe to my newsletter or follow me on one of the social network pages placed below here.

Neuton Mouse's Portrait

Beta Trailer's header

Beta Trailer

May 5, 2018

Hey people! I'd like to talk about recent accomplishment towards Smintheus Beta that are worth to be mentioned - Smintheus Beta game trailer! Quite a late bloomer but finally it's out there! Totally worth it.

gamedev smintheus patch pixelart video

New major update's header

New major update

April 22, 2018

It took a while to get here but here it is - brand new update for Smintheus Beta. Unlike previous ones this one can be considered as a major update. It's not about bug fixes only but more of new things that were added to aid the gameplay. The course was set on making game more approachable. It has been casualized a bit and made the game somewhat easier as well.

gamedev smintheus patch pixelart

Development continues!'s header

Development continues!

April 11, 2018

Today's a big day. It has been 14 days since I've launched Smintheus Beta on and today it reached nearly 750 downloads!!! I think it's a good sign, although I wish I could read more comments with criticism or some kind of feedback. I'll just assume the game is super awesome and there is nothing to rant about :D

Nevertheless, I'm fully motivated and ready to dive into my last game development crunch.

Before I do that, I'd like to present a new fresh patch. I think it will be the last one here because the game is quite stable now, but who knows...

gamedev smintheus patch

First devlog post with first game update!'s header

First devlog post with first game update!

March 31, 2018

This first post will the copy of devlog entry from Smintheus game page in, which was also first post there. Anyway...

I didn't came empty handed. There is a gift in a form of a new patch that was brought alongside with this post. So what's in it? Fixed couple of minor bugs and improved levels little bit by eliminating few logical errors.

gamedev smintheus patch


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It is done!
It is done!

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Game Development


gamedev smintheus patch pixelart video